Connect remote borg backup on wasabi as local resource

Mounting remote and reading


  • borg repository created and pushed to wasabi

  • installed and configred rsync with wasabi

First mount remote resource with rsymc mount.
You can add -vv but you should add --vfs-cache-mode writes, this will give you proper feedback for applications, especially mount.

rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode writes  wasabi:borgbackup /media/usb/bulbobackup/bulbo.borg -vv

Leave this console open go to next one and type:

borg mount /media/usb/bulbobackup/bulbo.borg /mnt

Now you have mounted your archive from remote
You can also use:

borg mount -o versions /media/usb/bulbobackup/bulbo.borg /mnt

To see combined versions of all backups
If you a re done, unmount borg then rclone, this is actually double fuse mount.

borg umount /mnt
fusermount -u /media/usb/bulbobackup/bulbo.borg

Updating with sync

First update your archive, in this particular situation I’m usinb borgmatic that gives additional configuration layer over borg itself.
You can make onetime configure of borgmatic and use it with minimal commandline input:

borgmatic --verbosity 1 --files

Next let’s push our changes to remote wasabi repository

rclone -v sync /media/usb/bulbobackup/bulbo.borg wasabi:borgbackup

Future detail readings

Read rest of this article - how to automatize above. As written - wasabi basic was 5.99 USD - about 28 PLN..