Syncing & rebasing when behind

Syncing & rebasing when behind

When your branch is seriously outdated, with submodules.
You want to finally push your changes to develop.

Switch to dev

git switch develop

Pull your most actoual dev

git pull

Sync submodules

git submodule update --recursive

Take your status :-)

git status

Go to your feature branch

git switch feat/XXX-NNNNNN

Rebase to your freshly pulled local develop

git rebase --interactive develop

Clean your conflicts and continue to the end

git rebase --continue

Your outdated remote branch is not as actual as your local, you can use -f to force overwrite with your HEAD.
Be precise here - you are overvriting remote feature branch.

git push -f origin HEAD:feat/XXX-NNNNNN

Now we are done :-)

General rules

This is general example without push

git checkout develop
git pull origin develop
git checkout feature-brach
git rebase develop